Monday, April 2, 2012 2:28 PM
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I believe in power.

I believe in the power of the Holy Spirit, the power of a loving god, the power of a savior’s blood and the power of grace. The power found in forgiveness and mercy and humility. The power of a soul changed for Christ. Forgive as Christ forgave you.

Haven’t you heard? Forgiveness is powerful. (Ephesians 3:20)

I believe in the power of strength. I believe in doing what others say cannot be done. I believe in the power that comes from hard work and perseverance; dedication and commitment. I believe that if you do what you do with power, with true and total commitment, you can and will do amazing things.

Use your powerful strength. (Hebrews 12:1, Ephesians 6:10)

I believe in the power of words. I believe a kind gesture or an encouraging phrase is powerful enough to change a life. So open your mouth, and unleash the power you have. Tell someone they’re beautiful, because those words are powerful. Tell someone they are talented, because those words hold power. Tell someone they can, tell someone that you believe in them. Tell someone all of the things you wish would be returned to you, and they will.

Use your powerful words. (Ephesians 4:29)

I believe in loving powerfully. I believe in humbling yourself and becoming a servant to others—what greater power is there than that? There is no limit to love; you have been given unlimited fuel to share with the world, so don’t be stingy with it.

Use your powerful love. (I John 4:7, Romans 13:8)

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