Man-Candy :3
Wednesday, April 13, 2011 8:38 AM
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Prepare yourselves, ladies. There is a lot of hotness coming up in this post. ^_^

As should be exampled by the title itself, this is a post for ladies, primarily. Of course the gentlemanly crowd is encouraged to read it as well, particularly if they are either curious about the fangirlish tendencies of the female sex, or simply questioning their masculinity.

Originally, I was going to make a top ten list of personal favorite eye-candy, but I realized that I don't have ten, and the list is more complicated than "top ten". So I have made a Top Five, and included several honorable mentions and up-and-comers who will always be competing for spots on the all-important list.

We'll start with those, all in reverse order of course.


Honorable Mention #4:

Daniel Craig.

Why for you have to be so old, Daniel Craig? You have such pretty eyes. <3 That being said, he's not on the actual list because, hey: he's so old.

Honorable Mention #3:

Hugh Jackman.

Also, not on the list because he could be my father. But still, he has his quite delicious moments. I appreciate, you, Hugh Jackman.

Honorable Mention #2:

Jake Gyllenhaal.

For some reason, Jake Gyllenhaal is like a cake in my perspective: Pretty, adorable, festive, and fun to look at. But not really something I want to munch on. He's adorable and has pretty eyes, but he's not quite my cup o' tea. Therefore, not on the list.

At least this honorable mention is not twenty or thirty years older than me.

Honorable Mention Grand Prize:

Ian Somerhalder.

Soooooo pretty. Right now I am quite turned off by the fact that he is deeply entrenched in another crappy vampire romance show, but someday I'm sure he'll snap out of it.

I'll be waiting for you, Ian!


Moving on to the Up-and-Comers: Those lucky few who will probably be on the list within a year or so.

Up-and-Comer #4:

Channing Tatum.

Ever since his first cheesy chick flick, I have had a special place in my heart for this man. He wasn't THAT hot though, so I kind of ignored him until he kicked up his game and started really, truly acting. Watch the Eagle if you haven't seen it yet. Boy can act, and therefore, if he keeps it up, he will probably make my list very soon.

Up-and-Comer #3:

Jude Law.

Do I really need to explain this one? LOOK AT HIM. Pretty eyes. <3. He's only so far down the list because sometimes he's kind of a spaz. But he's an amazing actor, and his looks kind of speak for themselves.

Keep working, Jude! You can make it up the list!

Up-and-Comer #2:

Tom Welling.

I know I'm a little late on the uptake here, but after years of watching sporadic episodes/seasons and getting completely lost and confused, I'm finally going to sit down and watch Smallville from start to finish. The first two seasons are already on their way to my mailbox. Therefore, it is inevitable that Tom Welling will rapidly climb the ranks into my Top Seven list within the year.

Up-and-Comer Grand Prize:

Jensen Ackles.

Look at that picture: nuff said. If you haven't ntoiced yet, I'm quite the sucker for pretty eyes. Also I'm working on wtaching Spernatural at the moment. It was over for poor Jensen from the word go.


And now, the moment you've all been waiting for. The Top Five.

Number 5:

James Marsden.

I can't help it. He's fiiiine. And such an amazing actor/singer/everything. And such pretty eyes! So blue. <3

Number 4:

Darren Criss.

So he's cute. He can sing. He can act. And he's a NERD. What's not to love? I'll admit it, I'm more than a little obsessed with this one.

Number 3:

Wentworth Miller.

Wentworth, we can forgive you for having such a dorky name, because you're hot. And you have the world's prettiest eyes, except for maybe #1. So much love for this man.

Number 2:

Karl Urban.

So he doesn't have the world's prettiest eyes or the greatest body, etc., but there is something amazing about this man. Not to mention he's a brilliant actor. I would wear his face on a T-shirt. Proudly.

Number 1:

Chris Pine.

Shameless crush on this man. On his style, on his face, on his eyeballs. Heck, I don't even mind his stubble. The moment I walked into Star Trek: 2009, it was over for me. It will be very hard for any actor, pretty eyes or otherwise, to bump him out of his #1 spot.


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