Thursday, March 31, 2011 12:47 PM
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So today I began a new adventure: by sheer chance as it happens. Today is David's first day off, and he called me from the coffeeshop where he was camping for the morning to tell me that he had met the publisher of the local newspaper. Being the talker that he is, he got to chatting with her and discovered that they would soon be advertising an open position at the paper. The publisher (and David) insisted that I apply. As my current job will be ending in June and is certainly not what I want to be doing for the rest of my life, I agreed.

Here's the catch: The position that is opening is for Sports Editor.

Now, some of you may not know this about me, but most do: I played flag football in 4-H for a few years. And therein is encompassed the width and breadth of my entire sports experience. And interest, for that matter.

I know NOTHING about sports. Nada. Zip.

But that's certainly not going to stop me. Within two hours of hearing about the position I had e-mailed the publisher, rounded up an application, and turned it in together with several samples of my writing and photography.

And now, despite being perfectly candid with the publisher about my lack of sports enthusiasm, I have an interview on Monday.

Before Monday, I must fabricate a newspaper article on the Final Four.

I had to Google "Final Four."

But the article is almost done, and I have learned more about basketball in the last two hours than I thought I would ever know in my entire life. This is exciting because not only might I possibly get to work at a newspaper, which is definitely on my "Top Ten Careers" list, but I will also be forced to innundate my uneducated mind with sports stats, jargon, and lingo.

After all: you never know when you will need to swap NCAA torunament predictions with a potentially rich, famous, and impressionable stranger.

So wish me luck! Who knows what the heck I am getting myself into.

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